
All about scents and the sense of smell

⚈ Structure
⚈ Functions
⚈ Value
⚈ Usage
Linden flowers Linden flowers


Aromadept - information on odors and the sense of smell, collected in one place.

Aromadept: fully explaining the complex topic of scent in plain and simple language.

Aubergine smell Coffee smell Dessert Strawberries
Lavender smell Ginger girl Perfumes

Scents and us

Scent molecule

Odors and sense of smell

In chemical terms, a smell is a molecule of an airborne, substance that is detected by special receptors in our nasal cavity. As well as our noses, humans, and animals, have additional physiological capabilities for processing smells. More...

Diagram of the nose

How we smell scents

There are several theories of perception and the most popular is something called the stereochemical theory of smell. Modern scientists still do not agree on the details of the whole olfactory process, but research in this direction is being actively conducted, including the study of diseases and disorders of smell perception. More...

| olfactory disorders [with covid-19] |

Cats' sence of smell

Physiological functions

The most common functions of smell in the natural world are: searching for food, recognizing relatives, attracting a partner, marking territory, dominating, identifying danger, and sharing information. More...

Social functions

Social functions

The most common social functions are: non-verbal communication, self-presentation, environmental awareness, lifestyle harmonization, theraputic treatment, and culture formation. More...

Classification of perfumes

Classification of flavors

Currently, there are several classifications of fragrance in perfumery. They are constantly updated with new categories because the chemical industry is constantly developing new odorous compounds. But there is still no a single classification of odors that is universally accepted. More...

Consumer culture

Consumer culture

Odors play a huge role in culture, religion, science, and art, medicine, although their significance is clearly underestimated. Also, odorous compounds are very difficult to study due to their instability and variability under the influence of many factors. More...

Scents in everyday life

Tips for use

How to use scents (applying to the body, "decorating" the space, use in everyday life). How to get rid of unpleasant odors, such as mold, cat urine, rot, fish, tobacco smoke. All this and much more can be found on our website in the relevant sections. More...